sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2010

O Galo da Madrugada é alegria em Recife

O Carnaval em Recife está em plena alegria. Tem início o desfile da maior agremiação carnavalesca do mundo, O Galo da Madrugada, catalogada no Livro dos Recordes (Guiness Book).


O Galo da Madrugada iníciou o seu tradicional desfile pelas ruas centrais do Recife, às 9:00h da manhã deste sábado, dia 13/02\10.


A multidão que acompanha o Galo da Madrugada passa pelas ruas centrais da Cidade do Recife, a conferir: Praça Sérgio Loreto, Rua Imperial, Rua da Concórdia, Av. Guararapes, Praça do Diario de Pernambuco e termina na Dantas Barreto.


Em 2010, o Galo da Madrugada conta com diversos convidados, dentre eles, Dilma Roussef, José Serra, Ciro Gomes, além de artistas locais e de outros estados.


Mesmo com sua incontável multidão de foliões, até o momento, O Galo da Madrugada não teve nenhum incidente com os seus foliões.


Segundo o organizadores, O Galo da Madrugada, tradicional agremiação carnavalesca recifense, está sendo transmitido para mais de 25 países.


A fusão de cores e ritmos é uma constante no Galo da Madrugada. Também o número de foliões fantasiados é uma tradição que impele a energia dessa que é a maior alegria do Carnaval de rua do mundo.

Os Smurfs

*A Quadrilha Smurf - By B. Corbett/J. de Plesses/Helna - Versão: D. Nobrega (Produção Al Van Dam e Frans Ekkelens, Holanda, licenciados para a Bélgica e Portugal com todos os Direitos da Al Vam e Ferry Wienneke).

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010

The Captivity of Governor of Brasilia (FD) and Democracy

My dear friends , I'm back to my blog. Nice is to have a place where I feel at home. I also like to post here because of its aplicatives facilities, skills and tools, yet, they, sometimes, are unkind and unprecedent with my nice gadgets to determine which ones best fit on my page, even though, I admit that I enjoy being here. So, all seems very usual since I like this blog exactly the way it is.

While thinking of how it could be, I presently started thinking about Brazil political life. However, the efforts made by the opposition party, nothing could avoid one of the most relevant paths to preserve Democracy in Brazil since the captivity of the Governor of Brasilia, Federal Disctrict, this week, (Feb 12th, afternoon), date when he was indicated by corruption.

Relevant yet notable to destach are the efforts made by the Brazilian Supreme Court that supported the constitutional rules demanding a prompt decision: to attend the appeals of the population of the Federal State of Brasília and the rest of the country, according to the law.

Another aspect which made this decision happens were the people claiming for the impeachment of their Governor, sharply the core of a turmoil that took over not just Brasília, but the nation, when Governor of Brasília, (FD), José Roberto de Arruda, whereabouts, some days ago surprised the country caught by hiding cash in their pair of socks!

It was observed by the Brasília citizens with a kind of "Indignation, and also the violent character of Governor Arruda that sent his Police to go against the protestors, when was reported that one of the girls had his arms broken by the truculence of the violents Arruda's police attacks.

All these reactions were meaningless, because it has brought, and, at the same time has left the Court aware of more subjects, and as such, more corruption emerged, showing that other members of his government were involved, all this also caught by TV cameras hidden in their cabinets (...) receiving packs of cash by the same intended situation and for reasons that were not accepted by Brazilians once broadcasted by the press joined with the accused declarations.

The unprecedent situation held kind of astonishement to the Brazilians politics scenery, too. It was the first time in Brazil Presidential period where a State Governor was sent to captivity. Fie to him and to his supporters, but aclaimed by the Brazilian population, and Brazil voters all over the country.

In brief, The Supreme Court had other means, and such atittude was considered as corruption and "declared that Mr. Arruda should sent to prison in Brasília Federal Police Department."

However, the insistents facts presented by the former Governor, nothing was considered as meaningful to avoid the situation already declared by The Court, althought, Mr. Arruda, through his Lawyers presented an habbeas corpus to realese his client as fast as possible in order to attend the accusations in freedom.

Also, according to Minister Marco Aurélio, the "habeas corpus has no support in the proceedings. The Supreme Court is very concerned in its decision and has no case for this constitutional appeal", he concluded.

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